VLOOKUP can be used in conjunction with other functions to achieve more complex tasks and calculations. For instance, if you want to return a zero instead of #N/A when VLOOKUP cannot find a match, you can use IFERROR to do so, writing =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:B,2,FALSE),0). Additionally, you can use MATCH to look up values in any column of the table array. For example, if you want to look up the price of a product in Sheet2 based on the product code in Sheet1, and the product code is not in the first column of Sheet2, you can write =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:D,MATCH("Price",Sheet2!A1:D1,0),FALSE). This means that you want to look up the value in A2 in the column of Sheet2 that has "Price" in the first row, with an exact match. Lastly, you can use INDIRECT to look up values in different sheets based on a sheet name. For example, if you want to look up the price of a product in Sheet2, Sheet3, or Sheet4 based on the product name in Sheet1 and the sheet name in Sheet1, cell C2, you can write =VLOOKUP(A2,INDIRECT(C2&"!A:B"),2,FALSE). This means that you want to look up the value in A2 in the sheet name that is in C2, and return the value from the second column of that sheet, with an exact match. By combining VLOOKUP with these other functions, you can create more complex calculations and tasks.