Once you have chosen and set up your version control system and tool, you can use various commands and features to track and resolve bugs and issues in your code. For example, the 'commit' command records and saves the changes made to your code files in the version control system. It is important to use descriptive and informative commit messages to document the purpose and effect of your changes, and to reference any related bugs or issues. The 'branch' feature allows you to create and switch between different versions of your code, without affecting the main or master branch. This can be used to isolate and test bug fixes, and to avoid conflicts and errors when working on different features or tasks. The 'merge' command combines the changes from two or more branches into one branch, but it should be used carefully and cautiously, as it can cause conflicts and errors if the changes are incompatible or inconsistent. The 'diff' command shows the differences between two versions of your code, such as two files, two commits, or two branches. This can be used to identify and locate the source of a bug, and to compare and evaluate the effect of a bug fix. Lastly, the 'log' command shows the history and details of your code changes, such as the date, time, author, message, and files of each commit. This can be used to review and analyze the evolution and status of your code, and to find and revert to a specific commit or version.