Improving your pen tool skills requires regular practice and experimentation with different settings and techniques. Utilize keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow and switch between tools; for example, press Ctrl/Cmd to temporarily activate the selection tool, Alt/Option to activate the convert point tool, or Shift to constrain angles or align points. Additionally, use guides, grids, and snap options to align your paths and anchor points precisely, or utilize the align panel or the pathfinder panel to adjust your paths relative to each other. To reduce the number of anchor points and smooth out your curves, you can use the simplify option or the smooth tool. You can also use the average option or the join option to merge or connect your paths. To further develop your skills, watch online tutorials and follow along with different projects and challenges that use the pen tool. You can find many free and paid courses and videos on platforms such as Skillshare, YouTube, or Udemy. Finally, practice with different types of images and styles such as photos, cartoons, logos, or typography. You can also use online tools such as The Bézier Game or The Pen Tool Challenge to test your skills and have fun.