You should review your resume at least every six months, or whenever you have a significant change in your career, such as a promotion, a new project, a certification, or a course. Check for any outdated or irrelevant information, such as skills that you no longer use, achievements that are no longer impressive, or jobs that are not related to your current goals. Remove or replace them with more current and relevant details that highlight your strengths and value.
I've been writing resumes for a long time and I know that most people aren't going to update their resume until they need it. Here's my advice: keep a "Fan Mail" or "Win" folder to keep your biggest wins in one place so that when you do sit down to update, you have everything that you need in one place.
What I disagree with and would add: ?IT'S NOT ABOUT every 6 months ?it's every time you have an 'achievement with metrics' (see more below)
Updates should be all about the numbers. Describe results not responsibilities, a resume is not a job description. Every bullet on your resume should have a numerical accomplishment demonstrating the results you achieved using success verbs (accelerated, achieved, awarded, increased).
Whether one is immersed in developing slide decks, writing code, or as I often spend my days, revamping a client’s resume – time away from a project allows individuals to re-assess previous work with a fresh set of eyes, clarifying a better way forward. That said, despite this being a huge benefit, my #1 reason for regularly updating my CV relates to the all too relatable saying: “My memory isn’t what it used to be!” As it relates to CVs, no one can recount every past workplace accomplishments. That's why I insist that the BEST time to reflect on/translate key work achievements is in real-time - while the details are fresh! This allows one to quickly translate recent "wins" into impactful resume bullets long before your memory fails you!
Your resume should not be written based off what you want to say but what the employers are looking for. Research what the market is looking for and do a thorough analysis to find patterns across job descriptions; these will enable you to write a data-driven resume that speaks to every single job description (for a given role) so that you don't need to tailor time and again. I have been using the same formula for 20 years and over the last five years mentored 500+ professionals who followed the job-market-driven strategy (i.e., not tailoring their resumes, not researching companies, not writing cover letters and not applying on company websites). LinkedIn has everything you need, thousands of relevant jobs for each role.
You should not use the same resume for every job application. Instead, you should tailor your resume to match the specific requirements and expectations of each employer. Read the job description carefully and identify the keywords, skills, and qualifications that the employer is looking for. Then, adjust your resume accordingly, emphasizing the most relevant and important aspects of your background and experience. Use the same language and terminology as the job description to make your resume more compatible and appealing.
On this one, I would agree. You have to tailor for each job application. Why? You have to beat the bots and recruiter eye scans.
I don't agree with this. If your resume is modern, ATS-focused, and customized with key words that describe your skills, it should work fine. Don't apply for jobs that you know you are unlikely to be qualified for and get contacted. Customize your cover letter.
This takes an extraordinary amount of time every time I tailor. Maybe I'm just slower than others, but do you have tips to streamline this task? I've been trying to keep a master copy that contains all the different permutations I've been using for different job applications to draw from, for starters
You should format your resume to make it easy to read and scan for both human and automated readers. Use a clear and consistent layout, with appropriate headings, fonts, margins, and spacing. Avoid using graphics, images, tables, or colors that might distract or confuse the reader or interfere with the scanning software. Use bullet points, short sentences, and action verbs to highlight your accomplishments and skills. Save your resume in a common and compatible format, such as PDF or DOCX, and name it with your full name and the job title.
Absolutely! You have to presume companies are using an ATS scanner today. Again, you have to beat the bots and recruiter eye scans. With the SAME resume!
Driving into work, the hiring manager does voicemail. On arrival, he or she does email, attends meetings, works with budgets and that is just the beginning of the day job. Moments are set aside to read your, and 50 other resumes. Format your resume to provide benefit to "this" position immediately. Make the entire resume easy to read within 10 - 20 seconds. That's all the time they will give you. Formatting also shows you care about the position. Groups of valuable information helps the hiring manager be able to skim read.
I've heard ATS scanners don't scan PDFs as well as DOCXs. What about margins and fonts? I'm thinking my layout is too dense-looking with .7 margins and 11pt font
You should proofread and edit your resume to eliminate any errors, typos, or inconsistencies that might undermine your credibility and professionalism. Use a spell checker, a grammar checker, and a resume critique tool to check for any mistakes or areas of improvement. You can also ask a friend, a colleague, or a professional resume writer to review your resume and give you feedback. Make sure your resume is accurate, concise, and clear, and that it showcases your best qualities and achievements.
Whoever you get to read your resume for you doesn't have to be a spelling and grammar whiz, there are apps for that. What you most often need is someone to make sure that what you've written makes sense outside of your head. And that the meaning of your words is what you intend the employer to read.
Sure, spell check. But what I disagree with and would add: ?ARC the grammar checker ?Bullets are this simple and NOT gramatically correct sentences: ARC it! Action+Result+Context... {past-tense action verb}+{#$% metric result}+{keywords of how} ?If you struggle for ARC metrics, be the STAR! Brainstorm any good project result: (S)ituation at hand (T)ask needed (A)ction you took (R)esult to company It's a longer version of ARC, but also great for #jobinterviews!
You should keep a backup and a master copy of your resume to avoid losing or damaging your work. You can store your resume on a cloud service, a flash drive, or an external hard drive, and update it regularly. You can also create a master copy of your resume that contains all your information, skills, and achievements, and use it as a base to create customized versions for different applications. This way, you can save time and ensure consistency and quality in your resume.
Sure, need a backup. ?Also need to keep a master list of where you worked, job description (duties), title, location, HR contact info, etc. For when you need to enter it on #jobapplications or discuss in #jobinterviews.
Hang onto copies for performance reviews and/or emails of gratitude from coworkers, supervisors, or customers/clients. That will help you with updating your resume with quantifiable results.
Tailoring your resume not only shows the perspective employer that you took the time to match your qualifications to their needs, but in turn creates a bigger picture that you take the time to produce a quality product to showcase your skills. The employer doesn't need to figure out "how" or "if" you fit, you've made it clear to the employer. Take the time to present yourself in the best light to the employer.
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