Writing tests can be difficult, but following a naming convention can make it easier. Naming conventions are rules or guidelines that help you name test cases in a way that reflects their purpose and scope. A good naming convention can help you and other developers understand what each test does, what it expects, and what it verifies. There are different conventions for different programming languages and testing frameworks, but they usually involve using descriptive and meaningful names, consistent formats (such as camelCase or snake_case), prefixes or suffixes to indicate the type of test (e.g. unit, integration, or acceptance), and separators or keywords to indicate the structure of the test (e.g. Given-When-Then). For example, a test case that verifies the addition of two numbers in a calculator app could be named: testAddTwoNumbers (camelCase), test_add_two_numbers (snake_case), TestAddTwoNumbers (PascalCase), UnitTest_AddTwoNumbers (prefix), AddTwoNumbersTest (suffix), testGivenTwoNumbersWhenAddThenReturnSum (Given-When-Then), testArrangeTwoNumbersActAddAssertSum (Arrange-Act-Assert), or testSetupTwoNumbersExerciseAddVerifySum (Setup-Exercise-Verify).