Collecting and analyzing metrics for your software development productivity necessitates the utilization of appropriate tools and methods that can automate, integrate, and visualize your data. Version control systems (VCS) allow you to manage and track changes in your code, enabling you to measure metrics such as LOC, commits, branches, merges, and pull requests. Project management tools (PMT) enable you to plan, organize, and monitor your work items, so that you can measure metrics such as FP, SP, velocity, lead time, and cycle time. Testing tools (TT) permit you to verify and validate your software quality, allowing you to measure metrics such as defect rate, test coverage, test cases, and test results. Analytics tools (AT) enable you to measure and understand the usage and value of your software by measuring metrics such as user satisfaction, retention, conversion, and revenue. Finally, dashboard tools (DT) facilitate the creation of graphical representations of your metrics so that you can visualize trends, patterns, correlations, and anomalies in your data.