API Gateway is a service that allows you to create, publish, and manage RESTful APIs without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. You can use API Gateway to deploy your RESTful API design to different stages, such as development, testing, or production, and assign different URLs, configurations, and permissions to them. You can also use API Gateway to test your RESTful API design by sending requests and receiving responses, using tools like Postman or curl. API Gateway also helps you monitor, secure, and optimize your RESTful API design by providing features like logging, throttling, caching, authentication, and CORS.
By using Git, GitHub, and API Gateway, you can maintain your RESTful API design in a systematic and streamlined way. You can ensure that your API design is consistent, coherent, and compliant with the best practices and standards of RESTful web services. You can also collaborate with others, document your API design, and deploy and test it easily and efficiently.