The first step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to align the quality goals and metrics with the strategic objectives and vision of the project or organization. This means that the quality management plan should be derived from the project charter or the organizational mission statement, and should support the value proposition and the stakeholder expectations. By aligning quality goals with strategic objectives, you can ensure that quality management is relevant, consistent, and aligned with the overall direction and purpose of the project or organization.
The concept of quality management is arcane to business leaders. All management standards must be evolved into business management systems (BMS) that involve every process in an organization.
This is an absolute. Quality is here to support the business. (Yes, there are public safety issues to consider, etc. But without a business, you have nothing.) Align Quality objectives to meet strategy. Use Quality tools to assure business metrics. Look for trends that will get the business off-track. And of course help develop, implement, and measure improvements that serve the mission of the organization.
- Create a QMS document explaining the policies, procedures, and standard operating processes. - Make sure that all the policies are aligned with the organizational goals. - Identify the requirements of quality in procedures - Involve your team in these processes - Tarin your team about the planned processes and metrics to be followed - Create a clear communication channel - Work on documents and reporting
Integrating quality management is like making sure everyone in a team works together to do their best job. It's like having a teamwork plan where we all agree on how to make things good and right. For example, we talk with each other, follow rules, and check if everything is okay. Just like playing a game together, but in a job. This helps us make sure our work is excellent, and everyone is happy with what we do.
In order for QMS to function properly and achieve the objectives, it must be integrated across all functions. This basic foundation is needed for improving QMS. Quality is one function which interfaces with all functions within the company and as well as externally (Customers, Suppliers, Third party QMS certification body, Regulatory agencies). Quality shall be front and center in the integration process working with functional leaders. This is for companies where the company doesn't have an Integrated Business System.
The second step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to involve the stakeholders in quality planning and improvement. Stakeholders are the individuals or groups that have an interest or influence in the project or organization, such as customers, sponsors, team members, suppliers, regulators, and others. By involving them in quality planning and improvement, you can gain their input, feedback, buy-in, and support for the quality management activities. You can also identify their needs, expectations, requirements, and preferences for quality, and use them as the basis for defining and measuring quality. By involving stakeholders in quality planning and improvement, you can ensure that quality management is customer-focused, collaborative, and responsive to stakeholder needs.
In a breakfast of ham and eggs, the chicken is involved but the pig is committed. Organizations must create a living culture where everyone is a student and everyone is a teacher.
Don't let your stakeholders off the hook. They'll find daily work more important. If you need help from your leadership stakeholders, come to them with quick solutions to your needs. And don't wait around for them. Your stakeholders will slow you down. They're skeptical, and they're busy. And nothing will prove the uselessness of Quality like no progress. Regarding stakeholders, gather a close team of people who want to help as early as you can. Use your project management skills to keep them moving at pace with you. Give them wins to celebrate. Don't hold up the good for perfection. Your team can also help with your stakeholder and staff enthusiasm. Use your team to help communicate.
Taking to time to understand your commitments (contract and moral - don’t forget moral commitments!!), early engagement with all of your stakeholders brings insight and opens up transparent solution centric working. Build the solution together encourages compliance.
Um Stakeholder in die Definition von Qualit?tszielen einzubeziehen, ist es entscheidend, ihre Erwartungen und Bedürfnisse zu verstehen. Führen Sie eine Stakeholder-Analyse durch, um relevante Parteien zu identifizieren. Halten Sie Feedbackschleifen offen, um ihre Perspektiven zu berücksichtigen. Integrieren Sie diese Erkenntnisse dann in den Prozess der Qualit?tszielfestlegung. Dies k?nnte bedeuten, spezifische Anforderungen der Stakeholder in die Zielsetzung einzubeziehen oder Kriterien zu definieren, die für sie von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Durch diesen partizipativen Ansatz werden die Qualit?tsziele nicht nur den internen Standards gerecht, sondern reflektieren auch die Erwartungen und Bedürfnisse der Stakeholder.
The third step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to integrate the quality tools and techniques with the other processes that affect quality. Quality tools and techniques are the methods and practices that help plan, implement, monitor, and improve quality, such as quality audits, control charts, Pareto analysis, root cause analysis, benchmarking, and others. By integrating them with other processes, you can ensure that quality management is systematic, proactive, and continuous. For example, you can use quality audits to assess the compliance and effectiveness of other processes, such as scope management, schedule management, cost management, and risk management. You can also use control charts to monitor the performance and variation of other processes, such as schedule variance, cost variance, and defect rate. You can also use Pareto analysis to prioritize the improvement actions for other processes, such as scope changes, schedule delays, cost overruns, and risk responses.
The tools of quality are meaningless unless they are used to continually improve every process in a company. They must be extracted from our culture and taught to everyone.
Integrating Quality tools into processes is easier than ever with the advent of low-code automation. Start right away with complaints and nonconformance automated reporting and evaluations. The data from these electronic records can easily be tracked and analyzed. But be careful not to have forms request information that is easily gained from other systems. Giving staff more "paperwork" (even electronic) will backfire. Any new automated process should ideally remove a manual process and cut down on bureaucracy. Finally, share the analyses. Show all levels of operations the intelligence you're gathering so they can help develop - and implement - improvements.
The fourth step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to foster a culture of quality and learning within the project or organization. A culture of quality and learning is the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that promote quality as a priority and a responsibility of everyone involved in the project or organization. It also encourages learning from mistakes, feedback, and best practices, and applying them to improve quality. By fostering a culture of quality and learning, you can ensure that quality management is embedded, supported, and sustained by the people and the environment of the project or organization.
I call this vision, mission and values. They should replace the quality policy and become the foundation of the organizational culture.
"Learning," "sharing," "promoting..." Communications is of utmost importance throughout the integration of Quality. Partner with a communications professional in your firm to develop a comms strategy and plan. If your comms person isn't on board, as can happen, partner with IT. Find the channels to get the message out about progress and future needs/training. Chat in company chats. Ask leadership for time in meetings. Use your team in unit meetings. Visit offices. Share on LinkedIn. Poor communications can sink a new Quality initiative. Your comms should be planned well ahead of needing them. And then don't get too busy to carry out your audience-specific targeted messaging.
Keep your learning fresh, be prepared to purge old information. If you’ve learnt and genuinely impregnated this learning into your processes and procedures remove it from your LL database. Make it easy to filter/find and even push LL to those who need it when then need it.
The fifth step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to review and update the quality management plan regularly. The quality management plan is the document that describes how quality will be planned, implemented, monitored, and improved in the project or organization. It includes the quality goals, metrics, standards, policies, procedures, roles, responsibilities, tools, techniques, and resources for quality management. By reviewing and updating the quality management plan regularly, you can ensure that quality management is adaptive, flexible, and aligned with the changes and challenges that may occur in the project or organization.
Your plans are only as robust as the latest objective assessment. Management reviews should be organizational and conducted monthly. Nothing in our world is static and unchanging.
The sixth step to integrate quality management with other functions and processes is to celebrate and reward the quality achievements of the project or organization. Quality achievements are the outcomes and results that demonstrate the success and value of quality management, such as meeting or exceeding customer satisfaction, reducing defects and errors, increasing efficiency and productivity, saving costs and time, enhancing reputation and trust, and others. By celebrating and rewarding the quality achievements, you can ensure that quality management is recognized, appreciated, and motivated by the project or organization.
The only true path to success is to replace job descriptions with roles & responsibilities that have measurable outcomes. Individuals and teams need to be rewarded for achievements and penalized for not meeting their objectives. No exceptions.
Um Qualit?tssteigerungen zu belohnen, k?nnen Sie Anreizsysteme einführen, die Mitarbeiter motivieren. Dies k?nnte beispielsweise Bonuszahlungen, Anerkennungen oder andere Vergünstigungen umfassen, die an die Erreichung von definierten Qualit?tszielen gebunden sind. Es ist wichtig, klare und erreichbare Qualit?tsziele festzulegen, die sowohl kurzfristige als auch langfristige Verbesserungen berücksichtigen. Transparente Kommunikation über Belohnungssysteme und regelm??ige Rückmeldungen k?nnen die Mitarbeitermotivation steigern und eine positive Qualit?tskultur f?rdern.
The question I would like answered is not “how do we integrate quality into management system but how do we integrate management into the quality management system”. All to often we give the “Quality Management System” to the Quality Manager or the “Environmental Management System” to the Environmental Manager. A “management system” defines how we run our business. A Quality Management system defines how we run our business with respect to the Quality discipline. You can’t separate the two (management and quality). If they are not integrated, then you truly do not have a management system to begin with. Go back to the drawing board.
Quality needs to be viewed as BAU and not a bolt on activity. When you remind people that that they probably carried out a PDCA 4-5 times before they even left for work, they realise far quicker that it is not an add-on but a tool for survival we must all apply (in both work and play!!)
Quality Digest and Exemplar Global are on the verge of rolling out the Master of Quality training and certification program. For the first time, it will provide quality professionals with recognized career achievements with five levels of progressively advanced certifications. It is based on the tenets of achieving business process excellence and avoiding risk. Stay tuned.
I am currently working on creating a quality management template, piloted in my department that can be duplicated in each department of my company…more than a philosophy but with enough loose construct for all to utilize. The basics of sort, set, shine, standardize and sustain will be the foundation, with freedom for each department to define an integration that works for their specific job roles in each area.
Integrar la calidad a todas las áreas de la organización es una tarea que requiere primero detectar la situación problema o la necesidad de cambio. A partir de esa necesidad la Planeación estratégica y el compromiso de la alta dirección es indispensable para que la organización tenga un norte con la calidad inmersa. Una vez se ha definido la necesidad y el compro de la dirección está, involucrar a personas de las demás áreas es el siguiente paso para definir las estrategias y planes de acción a seguir. El trabajo en equipo se convierte en una habilidad crucial para impulsar el cambio. A medida que obtienes peque?as victorias, los ajustes al plan de trabajo van llevándose a cabo y las mediciones constantes también son claves.
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Quality ManagementWhat are the best practices for aligning quality management objectives with your organizational vision?