How do you handle uncertainty and complexity in multi-agent simulation and modeling for autonomous vehicles?
Simulation and modeling are essential tools for developing and testing autonomous vehicles (AVs) in realistic and diverse scenarios. However, simulating the interactions and behaviors of multiple agents, such as other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and infrastructure, poses significant challenges due to the uncertainty and complexity involved. How do you handle these challenges and ensure that your multi-agent simulation and modeling (MASM) for AVs is accurate, reliable, and scalable? In this article, we will explore some of the key aspects and techniques of MASM for AVs, such as:
Saim A???Vice Chairman of the Board & CEO @MotorA?in | President of the Committee, Member of The Assembly…
Hussein DiaCivil Engineering Academic Leader. Transport Technology & Sustainability Professor.
Jeffrey DeCouxChairman, Building Intelligent Infrastructure Economic Zones, Autonomy Institute | Industry 4.0 Fellow | ARPA-I