Memory allocation functions are the interfaces that the program uses to request and release memory from the system. These functions differ in semantics and behavior, depending on the programming language, the library, and the operating system. For instance, malloc and free are standard C library functions for dynamic memory allocation; malloc takes a size argument and returns a pointer to a block of memory, while free takes a pointer argument and releases the block of memory it points to. C++ operators new and delete also handle dynamic memory allocation; new takes a type argument and returns a pointer to a newly constructed object, while delete takes a pointer argument and destroys the object it points to. Additionally, POSIX system calls mmap and munmap are used for memory-mapped file allocation; mmap takes a file descriptor, size, protection mode, and flag, while munmap takes a pointer and size. Memory allocation functions can be used to access files or devices as memory or create shared memory between processes. It is important for programmers to manage pointers and sizes carefully in order to avoid memory leaks, double frees, or dangling pointers.