Before you can eliminate data redundancy, you need to identify where it exists in your database. Common signs of data redundancy include repeating data in multiple tables or columns, storing derived or calculated data instead of using functions or queries, having unnecessary or redundant tables or columns, having inconsistent or ambiguous naming conventions or data formats, and having poor or missing relationships or constraints between tables. To identify data redundancy, various tools and methods can be used such as a data dictionary, entity-relationship diagram, normalization, and a data quality audit. A data dictionary is a document that describes the structure, attributes, and relationships of your database. An entity-relationship diagram is a visual representation of your database entities, attributes, and relationships. Normalization is a process of organizing your database into smaller and simpler tables that follow certain rules or norms. Lastly, a data quality audit is a process of checking and verifying the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and validity of your data.