The next step in diagnosing and repairing a motherboard failure is to test the components that are connected to the motherboard. You can do this by using a multimeter, a POST card, or a spare computer. A multimeter measures voltage, current, and resistance; a POST card displays power-on self-test (POST) codes that indicate the status of the components; and a spare computer is a working computer that you can use to swap and test the components. To test the components, you should disconnect the power cord and remove the battery if applicable. Then open the case and ground yourself to avoid static electricity. Remove all non-essential components such as the hard drive, optical drive, GPU, and peripherals. Connect the power cord and turn on the computer. Observe the lights, sounds, and display. If it boots up, add one component at a time and test again until you find the faulty one. If it doesn't boot up, use a multimeter to check the power supply output; if it's working use a POST card to check the POST codes. If there's an error, refer to the manual or online database to identify it; if there's nothing on the POST card use a spare computer to swap and test components one by one.