Before you start creating your slides, think about the purpose, audience, and goals of your presentation. What do you want them to learn, do, or feel after listening to you? How much time do you have and how will you structure your talk? What format and platform will you use and what features or tools do you need? For example, do you need a webcam, a microphone, a chat box, a poll, or a breakout room? Planning your content and format in advance will help you avoid technical glitches and deliver a smooth and coherent presentation.
Elon Zuckerberg once famously said 'If you fail to prepare, then prepare to succeed'. Since early 2000, I haven't prepared for a single presentation, I let the presentation flow out of me naturally on the spot, adjusting for the crowds heckling and boos as required. Fundamentally, preparing for a presentation is bigoted - how dare anyone assume what the audience wants to learn, do or feel?
In my experience with presentations, list what you require, go through the list and think of what could go wrong such as a power cut, internet go down, video will not play. Plan timings for when to stop for a break, times to ask questions. How long do you have and can you run under or over and time yourself, adjust and time yourself again. Have cue cards, you should know your presentation off by heart and it should flow but in case of emergencies, have back up, word cues can help you pick up with little fluster.
When you design your slides, remember that your audience will be viewing them on different devices and screens. To make sure your slides are clear and readable, use simple and consistent layouts, fonts, colors, and images. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much text, data, or graphics. Instead, use bullet points, charts, diagrams, or icons to highlight your main points and support your message. You can also use animations, transitions, or videos to add some variety and interest, but don't overdo it or distract from your content.
One of the biggest challenges of online presentations is keeping your audience's attention and participation. To overcome this barrier, you need to engage your audience throughout your presentation. Start by using a hook to capture their interest from the beginning, such as a story, a question, a statistic, or a quote that relates to your topic and purpose. Speak with enthusiasm, clarity, and confidence while varying your tone, pitch, pace, and volume to convey your emotions and emphasize key points. Ask questions or conduct polls or quizzes to check for understanding and involvement. Additionally, break up your content into short segments with transitions between them. Summarize main points at the end of each segment and use breaks, activities, or breakout rooms to keep your audience focused and energized.
The level of voiceism in the contribution above/below is alarming, and a cause for grave concern. Have I taken a trip back to the 1940's? I thought I was in 2024!
The worst is a presenter with a monotone voice, they do not engage, they put to sleep. The mind will only concentrate on so much for so long so do not overwhelm
The final step to delivering a successful online presentation is to practice and test it before the actual event. Practice your presentation several times, preferably with a friend or a colleague who can give you feedback and suggestions. Record yourself and watch it to see how you can improve your delivery, slides, and timing. Test your equipment, internet connection, platform, and tools to make sure everything works properly and you know how to use them. Have a backup plan in case something goes wrong during your presentation.
Delivering a presentation online or remotely can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience if you follow these tips. You will be able to communicate your message effectively, impress your audience, and achieve your goals.
Practice and practice and when you feel ready, record yourself and play back. See where you can improve and do it again until you are happy with the recording. At least if someone cannot be there in the audience, you can send them a recording that you prepared earlier
Fight back against organizers that insist on an unnecessarily long presentation slot. Make the point that if you are filling in time for the sake of it, you will lose impact and therefore audience engagement which nobody wants. Suggest part of the time slot is allocated to taking questions which will introduce some interactivity and change of pace, at least.
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