When evaluating team effectiveness, there is no single definition that fits all teams due to their varying purposes, expectations, and criteria for success. However, some common dimensions that can be used include goal clarity and alignment, team composition and diversity, team processes and norms, team outputs and outcomes, as well as team development and learning. Goal clarity and alignment refers to how well the team understands and agrees on its mission, vision, objectives, and priorities. Team composition and diversity looks at how well the team is composed of members with the right skills, knowledge, experience, and perspectives to achieve its goals. Team processes and norms assesses how well the team communicates, coordinates, collaborates, solves problems, makes decisions, and manages conflicts. Team outputs and outcomes evaluates how well the team delivers its products or services to its stakeholders as well as meets or exceeds its performance indicators. Finally, team development and learning examines how well the team adapts, improves, innovates over time as well as supports its members' growth and feedback.