VSCode is a lightweight and versatile code editor that supports many languages and frameworks, including PHP. It has a simpler and more user-friendly interface than PHPStorm, but it also has fewer options and preferences for code formatting and linting. To configure code formatting, you can go to File > Preferences > Settings and search for "format" or "php". You can choose from a few basic settings, such as indentation size, tab size, and insert spaces. You can also install extensions that can provide more formatting options, such as PHP Intelephense or PHP Formatter. To configure code linting, you can go to File > Preferences > Settings and search for "lint" or "php". You can choose from a few basic settings, such as enable or disable linting, show or hide problems, and ignore or fix certain errors. You can also install extensions that can provide more linting options, such as PHP Debug or PHP Intelephense.