Giving feedback and facilitating development activities can take on different forms, depending on the context, content, and preferences of both you and your mentee. Coaching involves asking open-ended questions, listening actively, and guiding the mentee to discover their own solutions and actions. Advising includes sharing your knowledge, experience, and insights, as well as offering suggestions or resources. Demonstrating is about showing or modeling a skill, behavior, or process, and inviting the mentee to observe, practice, or imitate. Lastly, challenging involves providing constructive criticism or assignments that push the mentee out of their comfort zone and stimulate their learning and growth. You can use a combination of these methods depending on the situation and desired outcome; for instance, you can coach your mentee to identify their strengths and areas for improvement while also advising them on how to access relevant learning opportunities. Additionally, you can demonstrate how to perform a specific task and challenge them to apply their new skills in a real or simulated scenario.