Conducting quality audits requires an understanding of your objectives, scope, and resources. Document review is a popular method, which involves examining documents and records related to the QMS, such as manuals, procedures, reports, and certificates. This helps to verify that the QMS is documented and recorded correctly and accurately reflects the reality of operations. Interviews are another method, which involves asking questions and listening to the answers of QMS stakeholders. This method can help you understand stakeholders' experiences and how they affect the quality of outputs and outcomes. Another method is observation, which involves watching and recording the activities of people and processes involved in the QMS. Observation is useful when evaluating the actual QMS performance and results and identifying any discrepancies or deviations from the standards. Testing is another audit method, involving the measurement and analyzation of product or service features included in the QMS. This helps to determine the quality and reliability of products or services, plus detect any nonconformities.