In-person platforms, such as conferences, workshops, or meetings, allow you to connect with your audience face-to-face, but also require you to adapt to the physical environment and the expectations of the event. When preparing your presentation for in-person platforms, you should take into account the size and layout of the room, the equipment and materials available, and the time and format of your presentation. It is important to use appropriate and professional attire and body language that convey your confidence and credibility, as well as suit the occasion and the audience. Additionally, you should utilize visual aids that complement your speech and enhance your message, while also suiting the space and equipment available. Furthermore, you should use verbal and non-verbal cues to communicate with your audience and create rapport, varying your tone, pace, and volume to keep them interested and attentive. Finally, interactive techniques such as questions, discussions, or activities can involve your audience and stimulate their participation; however it is important to manage the time and flow of your presentation.