To build a successful career as an executive recruiter, you need to constantly develop your skills, expand your network, and deliver results. Constantly learning and updating your knowledge of the industry and sector you are recruiting for, as well as the best practices and trends in executive recruiting can be done by reading books, blogs, podcasts, or newsletters, attending webinars, workshops, or conferences, or taking online courses or certifications. Building and maintaining a strong network of contacts is also essential; this can be done by reaching out to potential or existing clients and candidates, asking for referrals or testimonials, joining or creating groups or communities, or participating in events or forums. Lastly, delivering results and exceeding expectations for both clients and candidates should be a priority. This can be done by setting and tracking goals and metrics, following a consistent and effective process, providing quality and timely service, and asking for feedback and improvement. By following these steps, you can start and grow your career as an executive recruiter and make a positive impact on the organizations and individuals you work with.