To apply SVD to data reduction, you must first normalize your data matrix by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of each column. Doing so ensures your data has zero mean and unit variance, making it easier to compare and analyze. Then, compute the SVD of your normalized data matrix with your preferred function or library. This will produce three matrices: U, D, and V^T. Next, select a number k that represents the desired dimensionality or rank of your reduced data. You can choose k based on a threshold or a percentage of the total variance explained by the singular values. For example, you can select k such that the sum of the first k singular values is at least 90% of the sum of all singular values. After truncating U, D, and V^T by keeping only the first k columns of U, the first k rows and columns of D, and the first k rows of V^T respectively, these matrices form the reduced SVD of your data matrix. Finally, project your data onto the reduced space by multiplying U_k and D_k to obtain a matrix X_k with k columns and the same number of rows as your original data matrix; each row representing a data point in the reduced space and each column representing a principal component or direction of maximum variance.