Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of your digital ecosystem governance, as well as demonstrating its value and impact, is essential. However, this can be a difficult task, as it requires multiple and varied indicators and metrics, both quantitative and qualitative, to capture the different dimensions and outcomes of your digital ecosystem. To evaluate your digital ecosystem governance, you can consider the following measures: the alignment and satisfaction of your ecosystem partners with your digital strategy and governance principles and policies; the quality and quantity of your interactions and transactions with your ecosystem partners, such as the frequency, diversity, intensity, and reciprocity of your exchanges and collaborations; the value and innovation that you and your ecosystem partners create and capture from your digital ecosystem, such as the revenue, profit, market share, customer loyalty, differentiation, or new products and services that you generate and deliver; the risks and costs that you and your ecosystem partners incur and mitigate from your digital ecosystem, such as the uncertainty, volatility, complexity, or liability that you face and manage; and the trust and reputation that you and your ecosystem partners build and maintain from your digital ecosystem, such as the credibility, reliability, transparency, or accountability that you demonstrate and expect.