The last tip to writing humorous and satirical news leads is to be original and creative. Don't rely on clichés, stereotypes, or recycled jokes that have been used before. Instead, try to find a fresh and unique angle, perspective, or twist that will surprise and delight your readers. Use your imagination, observation, and research skills to come up with original and relevant ideas that fit your audience, your topic, and your purpose. For example, a humorous and satirical news lead using originality and creativity might look something like this: A new app has been launched that allows users to swap faces with their pets, creating hilarious and adorable results. The app, called PetFace, uses artificial intelligence and facial recognition to transform the photos of users and their furry friends. The app's creator, a 25-year-old software engineer, said that he was inspired by his own love for his cat, who he claims is his "soulmate".