Wireframing user journeys is a way of creating and testing low-fidelity prototypes of your product, based on the user journey maps. This helps you visualize the look and work of your product at each step of the user journey, evaluate its feasibility, viability, and desirability, validate the alignment between the user's needs and your product's value proposition, identify and resolve any gaps or inconsistencies in its flow and logic, and communicate your product vision with your team and stakeholders. To wireframe user journeys, you can use a wireframing tool or a paper and pencil. This involves defining the scope and level of detail of your wireframe, sketching or drawing the layout, structure, and functionality of your product's interface at each step of the user journey, adding labels, icons, buttons, placeholders, etc., to indicate content and features, using arrows, connectors, and annotations to show navigation and interaction between screens or pages of your product, and reviewing and refining your wireframe for clarity, consistency, and coherence.