How to validate and transform data in web services?
Depending on the type and architecture of your web service, you might need to validate and transform data at different levels or layers of your application. For example, you might need to validate and transform data at the presentation layer, the business layer, or the integration layer.
At the presentation layer, you might need to validate and transform data that comes from the user interface or the client, such as a web browser, a mobile app, or a desktop app. For example, you might need to validate the user input with Bean Validation and transform it to JSON with Jackson before sending it to the server.
At the business layer, you might need to validate and transform data that is used for the core logic or functionality of your web service, such as calculations, rules, or algorithms. For example, you might need to validate the data with Bean Validation and transform it to a POJO with Jackson before processing it.
At the integration layer, you might need to validate and transform data that is exchanged with other web services or systems, such as databases, APIs, or messaging systems. For example, you might need to validate the data with Bean Validation and transform it to XML with Jackson before sending it to another web service.