Once you have created your wireframes, you can test your navigation with different methods and techniques, depending on your goals, resources, and target audience. User testing, expert review, and card sorting are all common ways to test navigation with wireframes. User testing involves asking real or potential users to perform tasks or scenarios with your wireframes and observe how they navigate through your product. You can also ask users for their feedback, opinions, and suggestions on your navigation. Expert review involves asking a product design expert or a colleague to evaluate your wireframes and give you constructive criticism on your navigation. Card sorting involves asking users to sort and organize your content into categories and subcategories, and label them with appropriate names. Tools like InVision, Figma, Miro, Whimsical, Sketch, OptimalSort, UserZoom, Trello, Treejack, FlowMapp, and Slickplan can be used to facilitate the testing process. Ultimately, these tests will help inform and improve your navigation.