When you have created your video, it's time to distribute it to your audience. Depending on their preferences, habits, and access, you can use different channels and platforms to reach your audience. For example, email is a great option if you want to send your video directly to your employees, customers, or investors. You can use tools like Mailchimp or Constant Contact for this purpose. Make sure you have a catchy subject line, a clear introduction, and a link to the video. Social media is another great option if you want to share your video with a wider audience, such as followers, fans, or influencers. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn are great for this purpose. Don't forget to include a captivating caption with relevant hashtag and call to action. Lastly, if you want to showcase your video on your online presence such as homepage or blog, website tools like WordPress or Squarespace can be used. Make sure you have a prominent placement, a clear headline, and a strong lead.