TOGAF can be used to design a cloud security architecture roadmap by following the ADM phases and steps, and tailoring them to your specific cloud context and security needs. In the Preliminary phase, TOGAF Business Scenarios can be used to identify the drivers, objectives, and stakeholders of your cloud security architecture, as well as the TOGAF Architecture Principles template to define guiding principles for design and decision making. For the Architecture Vision phase, you can use the TOGAF Statement of Architecture Work template to document purpose, scope, deliverables, stakeholders, and resources of your project, and the TOGAF Architecture Vision template to describe high-level goals, benefits, risks, requirements and assumptions. The Business Architecture phase involves using the TOGAF Business Architecture template to model relevant business services, actors, roles and locations; and the TOGAF Business Motivation Model for capturing business goals, objectives, strategies and tactics. The Information Systems Architecture phase requires using the TOGAF Data Architecture template for modeling data entities, attributes, relationships and sources; as well as the TOGAF Application Architecture template to model application components, interfaces, functions and dependencies. The Technology Architecture phase entails leveraging the TOGAF Technology Architecture template to model technology components, services, standards and protocols; as well as the TOGAF TRM for selecting reference models and standards. The Opportunities and Solutions phase involves using the TOGAF Gap Analysis technique for comparing current and target architectures; plus the TOGAF Business Transformation Readiness Assessment technique for assessing readiness and maturity of your organization. Migration Planning requires using the TOGAF Implementation Factor Assessment & Deduction Matrix for prioritizing projects & activities; plus the TOGAF Migration Planning template for documenting scope, schedule, budget & milestones. The Implementation Governance phase involves leveraging the TOGAF Architecture Contract template for defining roles & responsibilities; plus the TOGAF Architecture Governance Framework for establishing policies & mechanisms. Lastly, in Phase H: Architecture Change Management you can use the TOGAF Change Request template for documenting requests & approvals; plus the TOGAF Architecture Change Management Framework for defining triggers & frequency of changes.