Now that you have your story structured, you need to write it in a compelling and relevant way. To start, use a hook to draw in the reader. This could be a question, quote, statistic, or surprising fact that relates to your story or the employer's situation. Then, provide specific and concrete details that illustrate your story and make it vivid and memorable. Use numbers, names, dates, locations, and outcomes to demonstrate your achievements and impact. Additionally, express your passion, enthusiasm, and motivation for the role and the company through words and phrases that convey your feelings and values. To create a smooth flow throughout the letter, use transitions to connect paragraphs and sentences. Use words and phrases that signal contrast, comparison, cause and effect, and sequence. Finally, finish your cover letter with a confident statement that invites the reader to contact you for an interview or to discuss your qualifications further. Express your interest and excitement for the opportunity while thanking them for their time and consideration.