When you assign a new task to a team member, you need to assess their competence and confidence in performing it. Depending on their level of readiness, you can use one of four leadership styles: directing, coaching, supporting, or delegating. Directing is appropriate for low readiness, when the team member lacks the skills and motivation to complete the task. You should provide clear instructions, expectations, and supervision. Coaching is suitable for low to moderate readiness, when the team member has some skills but needs more guidance and encouragement. You should explain the rationale, demonstrate the process, and solicit feedback. Supporting is effective for moderate to high readiness, when the team member has the skills but lacks confidence or commitment. You should praise their efforts, facilitate problem-solving, and involve them in decision-making. Delegating is ideal for high readiness, when the team member has the skills and motivation to complete the task. You should define the outcomes, delegate the authority, and monitor the results.