mysqli is a database extension that provides a procedural and an object-oriented interface for accessing MySQL databases in PHP. To use prepared statements with mysqli, you need to create a mysqli object with the appropriate host, username, password, and database name. Then, prepare the SQL query with placeholders using the mysqli::prepare or mysqli_prepare function, which returns a mysqli_stmt object. After that, bind the values to the placeholders using the mysqli_stmt::bind_param or mysqli_stmt_bind_param function, which takes the data types and the variables as arguments. Next, execute the mysqli_stmt object using the mysqli_stmt::execute or mysqli_stmt_execute function, which returns a boolean value indicating the success or failure of the query. Finally, fetch the result set using the mysqli_stmt::get_result or mysqli_stmt_get_result function and use the mysqli_result::fetch_assoc or mysqli_result_fetch_assoc function if needed. For example, if you want to select a user's name and email from a table called users by their id, you can use prepared statements with mysqli like this: create a mysqli object, prepare the SQL query with placeholders, bind the value to the placeholder, execute the statement, get the result set and fetch the data as an associative array.