How can you use micro-moments to create a successful content marketing campaign?
Content marketing is a powerful way to attract and engage your potential customers, but how do you make sure your content is relevant, timely and useful for them? One way is to use micro-moments, which are the moments when people turn to their devices to find answers, solutions or inspiration. In this article, you will learn what micro-moments are, how to identify them, and how to create content that meets your audience's needs and expectations in those moments.
Renato Donizeti da Silva - CRC Ativo - Contador / Especialista Contábil / Controladoria / GerenteContador | Accountant | Controladoria |Controllership | Surpervisor | Coordenador | Gerente Contábil | Contabilista |…
Andréia N.Especialista em administra??o de compras
Gaurav PandeyMarketing & PR Advisor, Speaker | D2C | Small Business | SaaS