There are various ways to utilize feedback from futurists and scenario planners, depending on your goals, resources, and context. For example, you could commission a custom-made scenario planning project from a professional futurist or scenario planner. This would include defining the scope, objectives, key questions, and stakeholders. Additionally, research, analysis and consultation would be conducted to create a set of scenarios that are relevant, plausible, and challenging for your CRE decision. Moreover, workshops or presentations would be facilitated to share the scenarios and their implications with you and your stakeholders. Alternatively, you could use existing scenarios from reputable sources such as industry associations, think tanks or academic institutions that cover topics or sectors related to your CRE decision. These could be adapted to your specific context or used as a starting point for your own scenario development. Furthermore, you could create your own scenarios using online tools such as software, templates or guides that help structure and visualize your scenario planning process. Involving your team, colleagues or partners in brainstorming, researching and testing your scenarios is also possible. Finally, online platforms such as forums, blogs or podcasts can be used to share your scenarios and gain feedback from other futurists, scenario planners or CRE professionals.