To use the Factory pattern in practice, you must identify the common interface or abstract class that all the objects you want to create implement or inherit from. This will be the return type of the Factory method or class. Additionally, you need to determine the parameters or conditions that determine which object to create and return. These can be user input, configuration settings, environment variables, or other factors. You should then implement the Factory method or class that takes the parameters or conditions as input and uses conditional statements, switch cases, or other logic to create and return the appropriate object based on the input. This can be done using the new operator, reflection, or dependency injection. Additionally, you must implement the subclasses or concrete classes that implement or inherit from the common interface or abstract class and define the specific behavior and attributes of each object type. Finally, call the Factory method or class from the clients with the appropriate parameters or conditions and use the returned object as needed. An example of how to use this pattern in C# is provided.