Understanding Languishing: The Absence of Flourishing
Image created by Jim Moss

Understanding Languishing: The Absence of Flourishing

Do Any of these statements sound familiar?

"I don't know what's wrong, but I don't feel like myself."??

"I can't put my finger on it, but I know I don't like it."??

"Things that normally make me happy just aren't doing it for me lately."??

"I feel like I'm stuck somewhere between happy and sad."

If these thoughts do sound familiar, you're not alone. Many of us have found ourselves voicing similar sentiments, perhaps more frequently than ever, whether in casual conversations or during more introspective moments.

When probed further, people often talk about a drop in motivation, feeling just "okay" at work—neither excelling nor failing dramatically—and a general sense of disengagement. They're not rushing to leave their current situations while not feeling driven to pursue their passions. The term "stuck" frequently arises. Individuals report avoiding social events, preferring the isolation of home, and feeling unenthusiastic about starting new projects or engaging in previously enjoyable activities. While some might quickly attribute these feelings to depression, the reality is more nuanced.

This state is known as languishing: a sense of stagnation and a life lived in the space between joy and misery. Understanding this term can clarify our understanding of our emotions and help us find the most appropriate responses.

Understanding Happiness and Languishing

Happiness, or subjective well-being, encompasses the presence of positive emotions such as joy and awe. It can be momentary (state-based) or more enduring (trait-based). Crucially, experiencing negative emotions like anger or fear is normal and can even be beneficial; however, if these feelings become chronic, they can undermine our capacity to experience positive emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Languishing

What is languishing??

The American Psychological Association defines languishing as an absence of mental health, marked by dissatisfaction, disengagement, and apathy. It is distinct from mental illness.

Is languishing considered a mental illness?

No, languishing is not a clinical diagnosis or illness but a state reflecting suboptimal mental health.

How does languishing differ from depression???

Unlike depression, which involves enduring negative emotions that impact mental health significantly, languishing?is characterized?by a lack of positive emotional experiences and can exist without the severe impacts associated with depression.

How can languishing be addressed?

Increasing positive emotional experiences is critical. This might involve changing thought patterns and behaviours, engaging in fulfilling activities, and seeking support from friends and family.?

Can languishing coexist with mental illnesses?

Yes, it's possible to experience both languishing and mental health disorders. If persistent negative emotions are present, it's advisable to consult healthcare professionals like family doctors or psychiatrists. Counsellors and clinical psychologists can also provide support for those experiencing languishing.

What are common signs of languishing at work??

Typical signs include:

  • Reduced productivity, creativity, and engagement.
  • Feelings?of detachment from one's tasks and colleagues.
  • A general sense of perceived ineffectiveness or actual reduction of our self-efficacy.?

What strategies can workplaces adopt to help employees overcome languishing?

Employers can promote well-being by fostering a supportive and engaging work environment, providing resources for mental health, and encouraging regular breaks and social interactions.

How can recognizing languishing improve workplace culture??

Languishing can be contagious because teams of people tend to feed off of each other's energy and emotions. Understanding and addressing languishing can improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity,?thereby?enhancing overall workplace culture.?

Can talking with a friend or colleague help with languishing?

Yes, engaging in meaningful conversations with friends or colleagues can prove helpful for people experiencing languishing. Healthy social interactions can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and offer new perspectives that can reinvigorate one's sense of purpose and engagement. Sharing thoughts and feelings can also help clarify emotions and lead to discovering practical solutions or coping strategies. Additionally, having supportive relationships in the workplace can create a more connected and empathetic environment, further alleviating the stagnation associated with languishing.

If I were to boil it down into three steps to take first, I'd suggest the following:

  1. Start by self-reflecting on the subdued or missing positive feelings while also becoming aware of negative emotions that are present and unwanted or persistent. Try to attribute what would typically cause the missing positive emotions to arise naturally and identify a place where you've been strong in the past and could focus on first.?
  2. Engage a trusted friend, family member, or co-worker, who, if you are lucky, could also be your boss or manager. Share a bit of how you are feeling and that you are aware of it, and ask if they could provide you some support working through this period as you are trying to move through it. They may share similar or past experiences. You could work through them together.?
  3. Make a simple plan and get started right away. You need to overcome the feelings of stagnation so action can be beneficial. Pick one missing emotional component and work on it first. If you're lacking a sense of purpose and meaning, spend time creating a private mission statement with a vision of the life you want. Make sure you clarify some first steps that can take you toward it. If relationships are lacking, identify a few important ones and reach out to set up some time to reconnect. Create a recurring lunch or schedule a walk for 4-6 weeks. Let them know it's more important than usual for you and that you need more than a single dose.

Languishing can be an excellent problem, but it is a problem nevertheless, and if you notice it, you are likely ready to do something about it. While we can't and likely shouldn't expect to feel like we're flourishing 100% of the time, the same should be true for languishing. ?While anyone can start to take action to support themselves in feeling better on their own, I have noticed a pattern of leaders and entire organizations expressing that many of them are feeling this same way. If this sounds familiar to your team or workplace, please reach out. I am happy to chat, and I?do?offer workshops and professional support to help you move through this and get back to flourishing. If it is just you who is languishing and you need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out via email [email protected] .

Read the original article at https://www.thesmileceo.com/articles-insights-media-research/introducing-languishing

Endnotes: Credit to reseracher Corey Keyes who brought this concept into the forefront over the past 25 years. Read some of their principal articles on the subject matter around flourishing and languishing.

Keyes. CLM. (2002). The Mental Health Continuum: From Languishing to Flourishing in Life. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(2), 207–222.

Keyes, CLM. (2007) "Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing : a complementary strategy for improving national mental health." Am Psychol. 2007 Feb-Mar;62(2):95-108. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.62.2.95. PMID: 17324035.

Keyes, C.L.M. (2010). Flourishing . In The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (eds I.B. Weiner and W.E. Craighead).

Belen Solana

Mentorship Community Coordinator at Upnotch

6 个月

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