The 6-3-5 method is a group creativity technique to generate ideas. It begins with a clear and concise design problem or challenge, such as "How can we improve the user experience of our website?" or "How can we make our website more engaging and interactive?". Six participants with diverse backgrounds and perspectives should come together, each with a worksheet that has three columns and five rows. In the first round, each participant writes down three ideas in the first row of their worksheet. The ideas should be brief and sketchy, not detailed or refined. After three minutes, each participant passes their worksheet to the person on their right. In the second round, each participant reads the three ideas on the worksheet they received and adds three new ideas in the second row, building on or modifying the existing ones. This process repeats for five rounds until each participant has contributed to every worksheet. At the end, each worksheet should have 18 ideas, and the group should have 108 ideas in total.