Pesticide communication and coordination are essential to ensure the effective and safe use of pesticides in almond orchards, and to protect honey bees from pesticide exposure. Communication refers to the exchange of information and notification among the stakeholders involved in pesticide use, such as growers, applicators, beekeepers, regulators, and researchers. Coordination involves planning and cooperation among the stakeholders to avoid or mitigate conflicts, risks, or impacts related to pesticide use. To protect honey bees from pesticides in almond orchards, you should strive to establish a good relationship with the growers, applicators, and beekeepers in your area. Additionally, inform and consult with beekeepers before applying pesticides to the orchard. It is also important to follow best management practices and regulations for pesticide use in almond orchards, and report any incidents or violations to the authorities. Furthermore, monitor and evaluate the effects of pesticide use on honey bees, pests, crops, and the environment, and share results with stakeholders. Finally, seek out new technologies that can improve pesticide efficiency, accuracy, and safety.