The storage method for PPE depends on the type and size of the equipment. Generally, you should adhere to the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Hanging PPE is suitable for items such as gloves, sleeves, jackets, and hoods; it allows air circulation and prevents creases or folds that can damage the fabric. Plastic or wooden hangers without sharp edges or metal parts are ideal. Folding PPE is suitable for items such as blankets, mats, and covers; it can save space and make it easier to transport. However, you should avoid folding PPE too tightly or repeatedly, as this can create cracks or holes in the material. Soft or padded bags or boxes are best for folded PPE. Rolling PPE is suitable for items such as ropes, cords, and hoses; it can prevent kinks or twists that can affect the conductivity or flexibility. Reels, spools, or coils are ideal for storing rolled PPE. Reporting and documenting the incident will help you inform and reassure the stakeholders, as well as provide valuable insights for improving your cloud security posture.