How can you prevent HTTP response splitting attacks?
The best way to prevent HTTP response splitting attacks is to validate and encode the user input that is used to construct the HTTP response. Validation means checking the input for any invalid or malicious characters, such as CRLF, and rejecting or sanitizing it. Encoding means transforming the input into a safe format that does not interfere with the response structure, such as HTML or URL encoding. For example, the input name=John%0d%0aContent-Length:%200 would be encoded as name=John%25%30%64%25%30%61Content-Length:%25%32%30 , which would not cause any response splitting.
Another way to prevent HTTP response splitting attacks is to use a framework or library that handles the HTTP response generation automatically and securely. For example, most web development frameworks provide methods or functions to set the response headers and body without allowing CRLF injection. Similarly, most web application firewalls or filters can detect and block HTTP response splitting attempts. However, these solutions are not foolproof and may have limitations or vulnerabilities, so they should not be relied upon as the only defense.
HTTP response splitting is a serious web security threat that can compromise the integrity and confidentiality of web applications and users. By understanding how it works and how to prevent it, you can protect your web application from this vulnerability and its consequences.