The implementation of sharding and replication for a document-based NoSQL database depends on the specific database system you are using. Different database systems may have different features, tools, and best practices for sharding and replication. For example, MongoDB provides a built-in sharding and replication framework, which allows you to create sharded clusters and replica sets, and manage them using a set of components, such as mongos, config servers, shard servers, and replica set members. You can also use MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based service, to create and manage sharded clusters and replica sets on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. On the other hand, CouchDB provides a different approach to sharding and replication, which is based on peer-to-peer synchronization and conflict resolution. You can use CouchDB's HTTP API or tools like PouchDB or Couchbase Lite to create and manage sharded and replicated databases on various platforms.