When you have a clear idea of your needs, you can begin comparing different credit card processors and their offers. Utilize online tools, such as comparison websites or calculators, to gain an understanding of the fees and features of different providers. Additionally, request quotes from multiple providers and compare them. When evaluating providers, consider the processing rate, the monthly fee, and the additional fees. The processing rate can vary depending on the card type, transaction method, and pricing model; interchange-plus is usually the most transparent and fair option. The monthly fee may include components such as statement fee, gateway fee, PCI compliance fee, and customer service fee; some providers may waive the monthly fee if you reach a certain volume of sales or sign a long-term contract. Additionally, the provider may charge additional fees for specific events or services such as chargebacks, refunds, network fees, terminal rental, setup, and cancellation; these fees can add up quickly. Ask for a full list of additional fees and how often they occur; try to negotiate lower or waived fees if possible.