Complex pricing structures can trigger objections from your prospects, such as "Your price is too high", "Your price is too complicated", "Your price is not transparent", or "Your price is not flexible". You need to anticipate and handle these objections effectively and tactfully. To do this, you need to understand the underlying reasons and concerns behind the objections, and address them with empathy, evidence, and value. For example, if your prospect says "Your price is too high", you can ask them what they are comparing your price to, and show them how your solution offers more value, quality, or return on investment than the alternatives. If your prospect says "Your price is too complicated", you can ask them what aspects of your pricing are unclear or confusing, and explain them in simple and logical terms. If your prospect says "Your price is not transparent", you can ask them what information or details they are missing or suspicious about, and provide them with clear and honest answers. If your prospect says "Your price is not flexible", you can ask them what adjustments or concessions they are looking for, and negotiate with them based on your value and their needs.