How can you measure the impact of communication strategies in a community project?
Communication is a vital skill for any community organizer who wants to engage, mobilize, and empower people around a common cause. But how do you know if your communication strategies are effective and impactful? How do you measure the results of your efforts and learn from your successes and failures? In this article, we will explore some methods and tools that can help you assess the impact of communication strategies in a community project.
Brenda-Lea Morrison, MPAServant Leader| Advocacy and Policy Strategist|Experienced Community Engagement Professional | Social Impact Leader
Dr. Chap ClarkSpeaker, author, theologian, and researcher on cultural change and generational impact.
Georgina Comba (Ella/She)Psicóloga | Diplomada en Cs. de la Educación con orientación psicosocial | Dip. en Op. Socio Comunitario.| Dip.en…