RAII stands for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization, a programming idiom that binds the lifetime of a resource to the lifetime of an object. In C++, this means using constructors to acquire resources and destructors to release them, so that resources are automatically freed when the objects that own them are destroyed. RAII can be used to manage not only memory, but also other types of resources, such as files, sockets, locks, threads, etc. This programming technique can offer several advantages, such as ensuring that resources are always released even in the case of exceptions or early returns. It also avoids the need to write explicit cleanup code or use try-finally blocks, making the code more readable, concise and consistent while supporting the principle of single responsibility and separation of concerns. To implement RAII in C++, you can either use existing RAII classes like smart pointers, containers, streams and locks or create your own by defining a class that represents a resource and encapsulating its acquisition and release in the constructor and destructor respectively. Additionally, you should disable or appropriately implement the copy constructor and copy assignment operator while providing accessors and operators to manipulate the resource as needed.