A standard format for test cases can aid in organizing test steps, inputs, expected outputs, and other details in a logical and consistent way, while making it easier for others to read, review, and execute them. You can use a template, a tool, or a framework to create your test cases; however, you must follow the same format throughout your test suite. A few of the common elements of a test case format include: a unique identifier for each test case (Test case ID), a descriptive and meaningful name that summarizes the test scenario (Test case name), a brief explanation of the test objective and scope (Test case description), any conditions or requirements that need to be met before executing the test case (Test case prerequisites), a detailed and sequential list of actions to perform the test case (Test case steps), any inputs, parameters, or variables used in the test case steps (Test data), the expected outcome or behavior of the system under test after executing the test case steps (Expected result), the actual outcome or behavior of the system under test after executing the test case steps (Actual result), the result of the test case execution such as pass, fail, or blocked (Test status), and any additional information, notes, or observations about the test case (Test comments). As an example: Test Case ID: TC-001; Test Case Name: Verify login with valid credentials; Test Case Description: To verify that the user can log in to the application with valid username and password; Test Case Prerequisites: The user has registered an account and has the username and password; Test Case Steps: 1. Launch the application 2. Enter the username in the username field 3. Enter the password in the password field 4. Click on the login button; Test Data: Username: user1 Password: pass1; Expected Result: The user is redirected to the home page and sees a welcome message; Actual Result: The user is redirected to the home page and sees a welcome message; Test Status: Pass; Test Comments: None.