How can you make your application more adaptable to changing requirements?
As an application developer, you know how challenging it can be to keep up with changing requirements from your clients, users, or stakeholders. You want to deliver a product that meets their needs and expectations, but also allows you to make adjustments and improvements without too much hassle. How can you make your application more adaptable to changing requirements? Here are some tips and best practices that can help you achieve this goal.
Adnan Maqbool Khan48k+ LinkedIn | Engineering Lead | .NET | Microservices | Azure | Vue | React | Angular | Typescript | RabbitMQ | SQL |…
Bryan MishkinAccomplished Chief Technology Officer | Advisor | Award Winning Servant Leader
Muhammad Umair AliSSE | Team Lead | React JS | React Native | Angular | Ionic | Svelte Js | MERN | I Boost User Engagement by 50%