Measuring program value is an ongoing process in PVM, as it allows you to monitor and assess your program progress and performance, as well as report and communicate your program results and achievements. To measure program value, you must develop and execute a program value measurement plan, which comprises of value indicators, targets, baseline, tracking, and evaluation. Value indicators are the metrics that quantify and qualify the value of your program outputs and outcomes, such as revenue, cost savings, customer satisfaction, quality, efficiency, or social impact. Value targets are the specific and realistic goals set for each value indicator based on your program objectives and benefits, and stakeholder/customer expectations. Value baseline is the current or initial state of each value indicator before your program implementation used as a reference point for measuring your program value improvement. Value tracking is the method and frequency of collecting, analyzing, and reporting data for each value indicator through tools such as dashboards, scorecards or reports. Finally, Value evaluation is the process of comparing the actual results of each value indicator with the expected targets to identify gaps and variances while determining the causes and effects of your program value performance.