When you include PHP files in your web applications, you should follow some best practices to avoid errors or issues. Start by using descriptive and meaningful filenames for your included files, and stick to a consistent naming convention. This can help you identify and locate your files easily, and prevent confusion or duplication. Additionally, use relative paths instead of absolute paths to specify the filenames of your included files. This can make your code more portable and flexible, and help you avoid problems when you move or change your files or directories. Further, use the include_once or require_once statements when you include files that contain definitions of variables, functions, classes, or other code elements that should not be repeated. This can prevent errors or conflicts caused by multiple declarations of the same code elements. Lastly, use the require statement when you include files that are essential for your script to run, and use the include statement when you include files that are optional or supplementary. This can help you handle errors or exceptions gracefully, and make sure your script doesn't break if the included file is not found or has an error.