How to implement the observer pattern?
There are different ways to implement the observer pattern, depending on the language, framework, or library you are using. However, the basic idea is to create a subject class that has methods to add, remove, and notify observers, and an observer interface or class that has a method to update itself when notified by the subject. For example, in JavaScript, you can create a simple subject class like this:
class Subject {
constructor() {
this.observers = []; // an array of observers
addObserver(observer) {
this.observers.push(observer); // add an observer to the array
removeObserver(observer) {
this.observers = this.observers.filter(o => o !== observer); // remove an observer from the array
notify(data) {
this.observers.forEach(o => o.update(data)); // notify each observer with the data
Then, you can create an observer class or function that implements the update method, and register it with the subject. For example, in React, you can create a component that acts as an observer like this:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
function ObserverComponent({ subject }) {
const [data, setData] = useState(null); // a state variable to store the data
useEffect(() => {
// a function to update the component when notified by the subject
function update(data) {
// add the component as an observer to the subject
// remove the component as an observer from the subject when unmounting
return () => {
}, [subject]); // run the effect only when the subject changes
return (
{/* render the data in the UI */}
<p>Data: {data}</p>