How can you handle special characters when cleaning text data for Machine Learning?
Text data is a rich source of information for machine learning, but it often contains special characters that can interfere with the analysis. Special characters are symbols, punctuation, or non-standard characters that are not part of the alphabet or the numerical system. They can have different meanings or functions depending on the context, such as emoticons, hashtags, abbreviations, or HTML tags. In this article, you will learn how to handle special characters when cleaning text data for machine learning.
Utilize regex for cleanup:Regular expressions (regex) can streamline text by removing non-alphanumeric characters. In Python, use the `re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", text)` function to clean your data, making it easier to tokenize and vectorize.### *Reference tables for original values:Create a Reference Table linking cleaned data to original values. This keeps your dataset homogenous while allowing you to