To illustrate how to handle heteroscedasticity in regression analysis, let's look at some practical examples using R. Suppose we have a data set of house prices and some explanatory variables, such as size, age, and location. We can fit a linear regression model using the lm function and plot the residuals against the fitted values using the plot function. The plot shows a clear funnel shape, indicating heteroscedasticity.
# Fit a linear regression model
model <- lm(price ~ size + age + location, data = house)
# Plot the residuals against the fitted values
plot(model$fitted.values, model$residuals, xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals")
To handle heteroscedasticity, we can use WLS, robust standard errors, or GLS. For WLS, we need to estimate the variance function of the error term, which we can assume to be proportional to the square of the fitted values. We can use the lm function with the weights argument to fit a WLS model.
# Estimate the variance function
variance <- model$fitted.values^2
# Fit a WLS model
model_wls <- lm(price ~ size + age + location, data = house, weights = 1/variance)
For robust standard errors, we can use the coeftest function from the sandwich package with the vcovHC argument to compute the robust standard errors and the t-tests.
# Load the sandwich package
# Compute the robust standard errors and the t-tests
coeftest(model, vcov = vcovHC(model))
For GLS, we can use the gls function from the nlme package with the weights argument to specify the variance function and fit a GLS model.
# Load the nlme package
# Fit a GLS model
model_gls <- gls(price ~ size + age + location, data = house, weights = varPower(fitted.values))
We can compare the results of the different methods using the summary function, which shows the estimates, the standard errors, and the R-squared. We can also use the AIC function, which shows the Akaike information criterion, a measure of model fit and complexity.
# Compare the results of the different methods
The results show that the WLS and GLS models have lower standard errors and higher R-squared than the OLS model, indicating a better fit and performance. The GLS model also has the lowest AIC, suggesting that it is the most preferred model among the three.